Legacy Problems Require JSTV Solutions

Legacy Problems Require JSTV Solutions

We Unified Sales and Inventory With FileMaker

Our client is a family-run retail business and auction house that specializes in one-of-a-kind artwork and unique memorabilia. As they have grown over the years, they have accumulated disparate software and business processes that needlessly wastes time and is error prone. Performing essential business tasks such as inventory management, order tracking, and client relationship management, became a huge burden for their small team.

JSTV Solutions built a new, modern e-commerce website that runs directly off of their legacy FileMaker database, with the flexibility to further expand into customer relationship management and eventually into auction functionality. In addition to a reduced workload, the solution provides our client with real time inventory management, and access to metrics that will give them the insight they need to grow their business without overworking their team.